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Tech Radar
Table of Contents
- Container Tools
- Kubernetes Tools
- Security Tools
- GitOps Tools
- Plataform as a Service
- Infraestructure as a Service
- Infraestructure as a Code
- Infrastructure as Software
- Certificates and Key Management
- Load Balancers, Proxies, Service Meshes and Service Discovery
- Monitoring
- Logging and Tracing
- Data visualization
- Distribute Storage Systems
- Databases and Cache
- Content Management System
- Messaging and Queuing Systems
- Testing Tools
- Interesting Links
Container Runtimes
CRI Container Runtimes
OCI Container Runtimes
Container Engines
Virtual Machines containers-like Runtimes
Image Build and Post Build Scan
Container Runtime Scanners
Container Images Signing
Dockerfile Linting
Container Monitoring/Statistics
Containers Orchestrators
Package Managers
Cluster Management
Kubernetes Managers
- RedHat OpenShift
- Rancher
- Digital Ocean Kubernetes
Kubernetes Network Policies and Plugins
Kubernetes Operations
Ingress Controllers
Auditing, Security and Certificates
Local Development
- kube-janitor: Clean up (delete) Kubernetes resources after a configured TTL (time to live)
- kube-shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI
- kubespy: Tool for observing Kubernetes resources in real time
- kube-ps1: PS1 prompt to see the namespace and the current kubetcl context
- kubetail: Easily tail pod logs
- stern: Easily tail pod logs
- kubens: Change kubernetes default namespace
- kubectx: Change kubectl contexts
- krew: Kubectl plugin manager
- clic: Command Line Interactive Controller for Kubernetes
- kubed-sh: Lets you execute a program in a Kubernetes cluster without having to create a container image or learn new concepts
- k2tf: Kubernetes to Terraform converter
- k9s
- lens
Secrets Management
Source Code Scan
Static Code Analysis
- Digital Ocean
- Heroku
- Dokku
- Linode
- Cloud Foundry
- Pivotal
Infraestructure as a Service
- CloudFoundry
- Digital Ocean
- OpenStack
- Azure
Infraestructure as a Code
Infrastructure as Software
Certificates and Key Management
Load Balancers, Proxies, Service Meshes and Service Discovery
Load Balancers and Proxies
Service Meshes
Logging and Tracing
Data visualization
Distribute Storage Systems
Databases and Cache
- NoSQL (Key-Value)
- Etcd
- MongoDB
- CockroachDB
- Elasticsearch
- Apache Cassandra
- CoudchDB
- etcd
- RocksDB
- Memcached
- Redis
- Mysql
- Postgres
- Yugabyte
- Apache ignite
- NuoDB
- CreateDB
Content Management System
- WordPress
- Drupal
- BonitaSoft
Messaging and Queuing Systems
- RabbitMQ
- Apache Kafka
- Beanstalkd
HTTP Load and Stress Testing
- Siege: Siege is an open source regression test and benchmark utility:
- Apache Bench
- Apache JMeter
Chaos Engineering
Interesting Links